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Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Some of my views on being healthy, what it has represented to me before, and what it suggest to me right now. What does attempting to be healthy imply to you?

Today I am attempting discourse about the word healthy. Or the definition of trying to be healthy. In 2020, what does the description of healthy even suggest?

I used to accept that health was one way and one way only. I was ignorantly misinterpreted by my own focus of orthorexia, anorexia and binging. I thought eating clean was the one and only practice. I charachterized foods as bad and good. I ate the same things every single day for years. I checked everything. I structured considering most of my life felt so out of organization. I exercised every single day for at least an hour. I weighed myself too many times.

For years, I regarded that all of this was healthy reason being I was thin, ate wholesome food and worked out. How I was incredibly not right.

Reminiscing, I can notice how destructive I was to both myself and my relationships all as I simply attempted be “healthy”. I didn’t authorize myself some background reason being it interfered with how I accepted I looked forward to live.

Not only did I have these issues, but I also negatively perceived others for their likings when it came to nutrition and physical activity. Secretly, but every so often in my mind. It was amiss.

At present are much different. My thoughts of what charachterize staying healthy has altered and I’m finally in this zone of harmony, which I never regarded would be achievable. I’ve also primed quite a bit, learned compassion, learned how to be kinder in perception, and loved myself harder. The ending detail is especially essential because embracing to love and accept myself brought me to love and accept others. I could link and sympathize.

I’m not sure if you’ll agree, but I believe that most of our meanings of staying healthy have altered especially up the years.

Society and the media are invariably giving us with never ending knowledge on how to eat, surveys on what to dodge, and how to lead the most desirable lives possible. Our obsession on attempting to be the healthiest, most cheerful humans all the time is tiring and can even be destructive to our general well-being. Occasionally we disremember that health has more than one definition.

These are just a few representations of “attempting to be healthy”:

• A tri-athlete is known to be healthy.

• An individual who exercises 3x a week is known to be to be healthy.

• Consuming dessert can be included in a nutrient balanced diet.

• Green smoothies are a wholesome, balanced snack or breakfast.

• Incorporating yoga is a stress relieving method of health.

There are too many black and white concepts of what attempting to be healthy means and so I demand you to look outside of what’s considered normal to you. To receive others perspective of what health implies to them and the joy it can bring to their lives. Even if it be green smoothies or acai bowls, running followed by pizza on the weekends, early morning yoga or deciding to find time for themselves; every being is authentic and so is the meaning of health.
